“Why aren’t you smiling?” my Lyft driver asked me.
“Because you’re ugly,” I said.
No, I didn’t really say that. That’s what my friend suggested I respond, though.
Really, I wasn’t smiling because he had made me walk two blocks in the rain, after I had input my exact address into the app. I was wearing new boots. Then he made me listen to Bollywood music and asked if I liked it.
I wish I could still use Uber. It wasn’t better, exactly, but the drivers were a little less chatty IMO. I like my space. (If you don’t know why I’m boycotting Uber, read this.)
My trip to the West Coast yielded some really fruitful encounters with Lyft drivers, including a Hispanic (relevant to the story) man who began the ride by denouncing Trump. I was on board, duh, until he suggested that Hispanic people don’t deserve what our fearless leader is doling out, but maybe Muslim people do. That’s where he lost me. By the time he was saying he couldn’t wait for Trump’s impeachment so we could have Pence, I was all the way on the other side of the map.
Yeah, I can’t wait for the giant party that will be Mike Pence’s reign.
Also, how about Bill O’Reilly? Just while we’re loosely connected to the topic of sexual harassment. My real question is why are we surprised? I was under the impression we knew he had been doing this for years. Maybe I was just confusing him with Rush Limbaugh. All these Republican propagandists are the same to me.
Love the comment! Sorry for the boots! But I didn’t know it ever rained in L.A.
Clearly, Pence keeps Trump alive, or in office anyway. It is such a sad time for all of us; I hope you are having some fun anyway. I enjoy your site!