Tag Archives: SCOTUS

The Bachelorette

Can Trump wait until The Bachelorette is over to make his life-ruining announcements?

Blake was opening up to Becca just as Trump announced that he was selecting Ken Starr’s second in command as his choice to prevent women from making their own medical choices.

The Bachelorette was already ruined for me when I learned about the frontrunner’s racist, transphobic, and school shooting survivor-mocking social media history. (It’s, like, really bad.) Note that I intentionally used the passive voice because I’m not blaming any one person. There’s a collective responsibility on the part of ABC, Chris Harrison, and each contest to make sure that I can forget about the direction of this country for two hours a week. I watch this show to get away from this stuff, okay? So do better.

Now, Donald Trump has chosen to interrupt my supposed reprieve not once, but twice within a single month. First, he decided to meet with Kim Jong-Un just as Becca was composing a first-date love ballad with loose-cannon Chris and Richard Marx. #KimDon

This Monday, Trump ruined my life and my viewing experience by announcing his pick to wage war on my reproductive rights. (Sobering thought: All of our liberal dreams are now in the hands of Justice Roberts.) Here’s a link to donate to NARAL.

My one request is this: Mr. President, I know you’re out to get me personally, but can you just do so outside of the hours of 8:00-10:00 pm EST Mondays?